· Essay Sample: In today’s society drinking water from a plastic bottle has become the norm, but just a few decades ago this action was not the case. During the late 70’s and billboards which made people to believe that bottled water exceeded the quality of tap water. Tom Lauria, vice president of communications for the International Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Fish: a tap essay. This is a kind of manifesto about the difference between liking something on the internet and loving something on the internet. It’s also an experiment in a new format: a “tap essay,” presenting its argument tap by tap, making its case with typography, color, and a few surprises. I created it in , then forgot about it, and ultimately lost the source code · The ‘tap essay’ explained: How a unique story form blends old techniques and new technology Choose the right medium for your message. That’s where I feel most comfortable, where I feel most native,” he told me Writing [tap], good writing, [tap] has a Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Advantages of Tap Water Free Essay Example
Companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico saw the opportunity to start a division of bottled water as an alternative to soda drinks, so this high revenue business started. According to Tom Lauria, intap essay, 2. Init was 8. In just the last year, tap essay, wholesale dollar sales for bottled water grew 7. Bottled water became very popular for different reasons; convenient to carry around, tap essay, no need to wash the containers, and available almost anywhere.
Only about 20 percent of all plastic bottles get tap essay, the other 80 percent end up in landfills, river streams, and finally washing off in the oceans. For those bottles that finish in the landfills the process of biodegrading may take hundreds of years. Every bit of plastic ever produced still exists and will be here with us for hundreds of years. Most people that drink bottled water ignore or do not care about the impact plastics cause to the ecosystem of earth.
In fast pace cities around the world and especially in American, people have become a fast food mind-oriented type of consumers, always looking for convenience. One can see why people tend to drink bottled water instead of tap water; convenience, portability, and taste. But nations all over the world tap essay experience the cause and effect resulting from the irresponsibility of their citizens to take action in the recycling of plastic bottles. Some people tap essay argue that recycling plastic bottles will not resolve the pollution problem around the planet, but it will tap essay the damage to the environment considerably by drinking less bottled water and more tap water.
People must stop and consider the effects caused to mother earth when drinking bottled water. Parents, teachers, tap essay, and government urge others to learn to recycle; but the problem also lies on the companies that produce so much bottled water without strict government supervision on quality and environmental issues.
The cost of drinking bottled water exceeds tremendously the price of tap water. Unfortunately most people do not know that tap water may surpass the quality of bottled water, tap essay. In addition, this action in return will contribute to save oil used to make most plastic water bottles.
Marine life has changed drastically due to the ocean pollution called ocean garbage patches. Plastic bottles became the most common marine litter in many parts of the globe, which equals about 80 percent of all litter found in several seas and oceans. The oceans natural ecosystem will continue to degrade by the tremendous quantities of plastic debris dumped in them; which will endanger the health of sea animals and plants.
People must a different approach when opting to drink bottled water; although bottled water has some advantages over tap water, the damage caused to earth will forever have an impact on future generations.
Tap essay bottles are made with tap essay terephthalate Tap essay or PETE known to cause cancer. Customers purchase bottled water completely unaware of the facts how plastic can affect their health, tap essay, because people do not take the time to research how bottled water is produced. Finally, the mining of water supplies in rural areas in the United States have conservationists working with communities for support in stopping bottling companies from using their natural resources.
The inhabitants of this world must become sociably responsible for protecting this fragile ecosystem and become more environmentally conscious. Works Cited Gashler, Krisy. SIRS Issues Researcher. Maqueda, Manuel. Azios, Tony. Tap Water. Knopper, Melissa. Advantages of Tap Water. Accessed May 31, Advantages of Tap Water Categories: Plastic Recycling Water.
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, time: 9:35
The Choice Of Bottled Water Over Tap Water Essay Words | 5 Pages. of Bottled Water over Tap Water First, water is an important resource for consumers and the environment. The body needs water to maintain health and the body’s mechanism to work properly. “People cannot survive without water resources in their everyday lives, which cost Fish: a tap essay. This is a kind of manifesto about the difference between liking something on the internet and loving something on the internet. It’s also an experiment in a new format: a “tap essay,” presenting its argument tap by tap, making its case with typography, color, and a few surprises. I created it in , then forgot about it, and ultimately lost the source code · The ‘tap essay’ explained: How a unique story form blends old techniques and new technology Choose the right medium for your message. That’s where I feel most comfortable, where I feel most native,” he told me Writing [tap], good writing, [tap] has a Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
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