Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay about environmental protection

Essay about environmental protection

essay about environmental protection

In this essay, it is arguable that the environmental protection is worth for fight due to the several reasons. Firstly, the environmental pollution is one of the main reasons why we should fight to protect environment. Besides, global warming is also another reason caused by the deforestation May 21,  · 10 Lines on Environmental Protection Essay in English The environment plays the most significant role in the preservation and survival of every lifeform on the face of the It is from the environment itself that we get the benefits of various natural Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Searching For environmental protection Essay Examples? Then you have found the right place! Biggest Database of Free Essays on environmental protection Best Quality of Every Paper

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Our environment is getting deteriorated because of several reasons such as global warming, essay about environmental protection, deforestation and rise in various kinds of pollution, essay about environmental protection. Environment Protection has become a cause of concern. Environment Protection is essential for the survival of human beings as well as other living beings. It is our duty to do whatever we can to protect our environment to ensure healthy living. Here are various essays on Environment Protection of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

We have also given different essays on other aspects of Environmental Protection to help you with this vast topic. You can select any Environment Protection Essay according to your need and requirement:. On the name of increasing our standards of living unknowingly we are on the way of hampering it further. Nature has an essay about environmental protection quality of reviving itself against changes made in itself by natural and manmade factors, but there it has a saturation level too and maybe we have already crossed that.

We have degraded it beyond repair. We have accounted to enough deforestation to imbalance the required ratio of carbon dioxide; we have impregnated the water resources with hazardous wastes enough that it cannot purify it further on its own.

Soil has been degraded until the level it loses its cultivability. Problems are beyond the count and a perfect solution yet to be found.

We have gone too far and it is already too late. It is the time to make amends with the nature so that it can grant us few more centuries of human existence in our home, Earth. How ignorant can we afford to be when it is the question of our survival? Environment is degrading which means the chances for survival of living organisms on earth is decreasing. But there is still some stubborn mentality in some people that the environment is degrading naturally, so it will also recover or be back to normal naturally.

This is a very wrong notion. We should take it as our responsibility to create awareness regarding this and do whatever we can to save the environment. Good Environment is a pre-requisite for the survival of life on Earth. There are visible signs that it is getting degraded. Still, there are no visible changes in our lifestyles to stop the condition getting worse then what it is now.

Things that are doing harm to the environment such as working in industries or factories, commuting via fuel-driven vehicles, using air conditioners, etc have become an essential essay about environmental protection of our lives. The amount of energy that we are using is essential and there is no other alternative to it. Mentioned below is a reality check of how we are being the major contributors in environmental degradation despite being fully aware about the importance of protecting the environment:, essay about environmental protection.

So, we know how humans are the ones responsible for destroying the environment and killing the humanity. Environment is the surrounding in which the living creatures live and interact. Everything that is essay about environmental protection by an organism to survive is provided by the environment.

It includes physical, chemical and natural forces, which are required for the survival of the living beings. Environment has been serving mankind since essay about environmental protection beginning of the time, and continues to do so. But since the last few decades, nature is suffering at the hands of mankind, and payback for this has already begun. Recent researches have proved that if this imbalance caused is not made right the reckoning will come.

This doom can only be avoided with staunch and effective measures taken for its revival as soon as possible. Our entire human existence is dependent on the nature itself. We depend on the nature for a tiny pin to the most complex man made constructions. Environment has come to our aid in every way possible. Ayurveda, a practice of medicine since ancient India which is completely dependent on natural herbs, essay about environmental protection, is facing crises due to depletion of various species of plants.

Species of various animals and plants have become extinct or on the verge of extinction due essay about environmental protection unnecessary interruption in the ecosystem by the humans. Ozone layer which prevents ultraviolet rays from sun to enter our atmosphere is getting depleted due to the increase in harmful gases causing pollution in the environment. Because of the increasing demands of the increasing human population, the pollution is increasing. Man started polluting the environment since the first fire was produced.

From then to now, man has been polluting the environment in the name of development. Due to cumulative effect of ozone depletion and greenhouse effect the temperature on earth is rising continuously resulting in global warming. As a result of which glaciers at the poles are melting and contributing to rise in the sea level, many major cities inhabited by humans are predicted to submerge in water in next few decades. Due to exponential growth of population along with industrialization, the quality of environment is degrading.

There is a crucial need for conservation and preservation of the environment. Environmental Protection Act is an act passed by the Parliament of India in in an attempt to protect and conserve the environment. This was enacted by the government after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. It was a essay about environmental protection leak incident in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, in December The purpose of establishing this act was to make people implement the decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment.

It was for the protection and improvement of the environment and the prevention of environmental hazards. Environment Protection acts have been put in essay about environmental protection to stop people from damaging environment in the race of becoming better than others.

Individuals just think about themselves. These acts are a way to make them realize that we are standing at the verge of environmental degradation.

However, all these efforts will go in vain until the individuals consider saving the environment as their very own responsibility. We all have to come together, individually, to save our planet by saving our environment. World Environment Day Essay. Speech on World Environment Day, essay about environmental protection. Speech on Save Environment. Slogans on World Environment Day, essay about environmental protection.

Slogans on Environment. Paragraph on Environment. World Environment Day. Essay on Environmental Pollution. Essay on Environment and Human Health. Essay on Environment and Development. Essay on Save Environment, essay about environmental protection. Essay on Environmental Problems that our World is Facing Today.

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Long and Short Essay on Environment Protection in English Here are various essays on Environment Protection of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

Previous Pollution Due to Firecrackers Essay. Next Environmental Pollution Essay. About The Author. Archana An Entrepreneur Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Related Posts. Contact us Please Help us to improve, Contact us.

Essay on How to Protect the Environment

, time: 2:07

Essay on Environment Protection for Children, Students and Others

essay about environmental protection

View Essay 9_Environmental protection_Jennylyn from NSTP at Mapúa Institute of Technology. Jennylyn N. Cortel What are the ways you can help protect the environment (e, g According to the Environmental Protection Agency defines sustainability as a simple principle: resources needed for survival from the natural environment used in a way in which nature and humans can exist harmoniously in order to support present and future generations. The sustainability can become threatened Jul 19,  · Essay, Pages 2 ( words) Views. Our earth is our home, so if we want to protect our home we should protect our environment from harmful effects of human activity. Some of these activities cause pollution. Pollution now is a very important blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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